Posted by: Debra Kolkka | October 2, 2015

Raining in Rome

I’m usually lucky with the weather on my jaunts, but my luck ran out this time. It was raining heavily when I arrived in Rome.

It didn’t stop me. I dropped my bag at the Julia, where I always stay, and headed off for an afternoon of wet walking.

First stop the Trevi Fountain to see if the scaffolding has come down. It has been the subject of restoration for well over a year. The work seems to be almost complete, but the glass walls in front are still in place and there is no water in the fountain yet, apart from rain water.

The wet glass made for an interesting view.

Trevi fountain

The Spanish steps were dotted with umbrellas.

Spanish steps

La Barca, the pretty little fountain in front of the steps, is almost finished being restored as well, but the barricades are not down.

La Barca Rome

Coffee at Caffe Greco is always on my list and it was good to get out of the rain briefly.

Caffe Greco

Caffe Greco

Max Mara windows were showing different colours from Florence.

It wasn’t all that pleasant fighting the wet crowds and umbrellas so several undercover stops were in order.

Galleria Rome

The oculus in the Pantheon is incredible.


…and it does let the rain in.


The green walls must enjoy the rain after the long, hot summer.

Green walls Rome

Piazza Navona is much better without the hoards of people selling souvenirs.

Piazza Navona


I went into the church beside the Fountain of the Four Rivers for some over the top Baroque.

Baroque church

The high reliefs on the walls were worth the stop.

Baroque Rome

Baroque Rome

Via Coronari is one of my favourite streets in Rome. It is lined with antique shops, cafes and artisan shops.

The street leads to the river and the bridge across to Castel St Angelo. I did the tour of the castle to get out of the rain, which was beginning to clear. I’ll show you that in another post.

Castel S 'Angelo

By the time I walked back to the hotel it was getting dark. The Pantheon looks great at dusk.


I couldn’t hold the camera still enough to capture the man inside very well, it looks as though his hair is blowing in the breeze.


I don’t know what these columns belong to, but they look stunning at night.

Rome columns

I did most of this post on the bus from Helsinki airport to the city. You have to love the efficiency and modernity of Finland. Things just work here…more soon on Helsinki and Stockholm.


  1. You have made me long to return to Rome – I have only passed through it recently. Whatever the weather, there is always so much to see and do. Enjoy!

    • Rome is wonderful. I will be back there in a few weeks when I leave for Australia.

  2. I love this post, Debra…the rain adds a whole other perspective to the photos. Is it time for you to leave Italy already??

    • There isn’t anything to be done about the weather. I am going to Helsinki and Stockholm for a week, then back to Italy for a couple of weeks, before heading home to Australia.

      • Glad you still have some time in Italia

  3. Dear Debra, you know a few years ago I lived in Milan, and I miss my Italy days. I can say, you are my Italy now. How much I love your photographs, and writing, you almost take me there. There was a great show at the Spanish steps were dotted with millions ball… I saw on the photographs. I loved your photographs, especially behind the wet glass… Thank you, have a nice weekend, love, nia

    • You must come back to Italy soon.

  4. Yes Deb even in the rain, Rome is still Rome and very beautiful. Had one day of rain in Paris recently and felt the same way – yes it is easier when the weather is fine but still lovely just to be there and taking interesting photos. That coffee and cake looks just delicious as always at Caffe Greco. We will have the same at Kangaroo Point Cliffs this morning and talk about your post from Roma.

    • I don’t mind the occasional day of rain, but it does make it more difficult to get about.

  5. Rome is always wonderful and the rain cannot spoil it. Great photos!

    • Rome is a great place to be, whatever the weather.

  6. I have only been to Rome once and I loved it there. This post makes me want to go back. Thank you for the fab pics and I loved your post about the windows of Florence ahh if only!

    • Rome has much to offer, more than you can see in one visit, or six. You must return.

  7. Incredibly beautiful building in Rome. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Rome is still so lovely and enchanting, even behind a blanket of rain. Good to see that there is progress on the Trevi fountain!

  9. You have brought wonderful memories. Pictures are fabulous even in the rain. I remember when I visited Rome how lovely Trevi was. I think they started work immediately after those months in 2013. Enjoy your time in Finland.

  10. Traiteur Rabat Regal; Traiteur de ronome au Maroc

    This is my expert

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