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The last of autumn colour

My view from Casa Debbio changes every day. Autumn has been spectacular this year, but perhaps I am just seeing it more because the restrictions mean I have more time to notice my surroundings.

Strong wind recently means the last of the autumn leaves will soon be gone.

Here are some views from Casa Debbio.

The view changes constantly with the weather.

I like the way the garden looks on misty days.

My favourite tree is the weeping cherry on the corner of the driveway leading to the house. In spring it is full of pink blossom, and now the leaves are gone, the last of them blew away in the wind.

The persimmon tree has lots of fruit. I planted this tree because I love the look of them, the actual fruit is secondary.

Two big chestnut trees in front of the house have lost their leaves.

The kiwi vine excelled this year. I picked 220 kiwi 🥝. I will be giving most of them away.

The weather has been quite warm for this time of the year and I was surprised to find some wild daisies behind the house.

The last of the lavender is about to be pruned.

I picked enough olives to soak them in brine to make them edible.

I have a couple of caper plants growing from walls. I hope they survive their first winter.

Pumpkins are in season so I made a pumpkin and feta tart. I planted pumpkins in spring but they were eaten by wild animals. I also attempted ricotta truffle tortino, with limited success.

My cheerful frog will have to come indoors for the winter.

Freezing winds have now blown most of the leaves from the trees. Snow has fallen on some of the higher mountains in the area and may even fall here in the next week. The days are still warm and sunny, but the mornings and evenings are quite cold.  Casa Debbio faces south and the sun shines on us all day when clouds don’t cover it.

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