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Progress at Casa Debbio

We were very happy to return from Sicily to find spring has been doing good things at Casa Debbio. Our plants are growing well and the garden is really taking shape.

The Italian lavender is growing like mad and I expect it to start producing flowers soon.

Some of the other types already have their flowers.

My tree peony that grew one magnificent flower last year has 7 blooms this year, and its neighbour grew 2 beautiful flowers.

The one that produced 22 flowers has more than 30 buds so far.

Hydrangeas are doing well and a couple already have small flowers.

Our wisteria is thriving. Some plants have already had their flowers and are now growing leaves.

One has unusual flowers.

This pretty bush (I can’t remember the name) has creamy white flowers.

The 2 lilacs have flowers.

The ginestre has gone nuts, and smells delicious.

Wild daisies have appeared everywhere.

There are violets and irises.

We will have lots of raspberries, strawberries and figs this year.

The cherry tree is covered in tiny fruit.

Our frog fountain is delivering water from the spring.

Best of all, we have a new pergola! Filippo and Vittorio finished it while we were away. It looks a bit stark right now, and we will have to put a bamboo cover on top this year to provide shade, because the wisteria won’t cover it for a while.

I found some 100 year old concrete tiles to mix with the terra cotta for the floor. I think they look great.

Filippo did a great job while we were away, taking care of everything. He has also planted tomatoes, which will ready in a couple of months and has mowed all the grass.

Soon the terra cotta table will be in place…and we can get on with the weeding, fertilising and a bit more planting…what fun.

Casa Debbio is available for rent this summer. We still have a few weeks free in July and August…tell your friends

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