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I am back in Australia for a few months. I arrived in time to see the beautiful Jacaranda trees in bloom. They were probably at their peak a couple of weeks ago, but they are still looking good.

These purple beauties are all over the city.

Jacaranda trees belong to the Bignoniceae family and are native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. The largest one declared in Australia is 17 metres, but they usually grow to about 15 metres.

The first one to come to Australia was planted in the Botanical Gardens in Brisbane in 1864. It was blown over in a cyclone in 1979. Part of the trunk is now located in the offices at Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens.

There is a beautiful painting of this tree, called, Under the Jacaranda” painted by Godfrey Rivers in 1903. Photo…

It is in the Queensland Art Gallery…time for another visit.

I found this gorgeous street of Jacarandas on Google, courtesy of

I know you are not much interested when I do posts about Australia, so I have lots of photos of Italy and my other European destinations to share with you over the next couple of months. I will slip in a few local ones, which you can read…or not.

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