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A tip for dieters

Keep your mouth shut. Not only will that prevent food getting in it will stop you boring everyone silly with the latest details of your diet.

There is surely nothing more dull than listening to someone drone on endlessly about their diet…”Oh, I can’t eat that, I am on the low carb diet!” “I couldn’t possibly eat that, I am gluten free.” (They actually mean gluten intolerant; only a few people are actually diagnosed coeliac.)

Since when did food become “good” and “bad”? It’s only bad if you eat too much of it…and I never want to hear the word “kale” again. Super food is just food and it often tastes dreadful.

When you come to Italy is would be a crime to avoid one of the great pleasures of being in the country. Take a look at some of the delights you will miss if you put yourself on a crazy diet. You will no doubt be walking all day taking in the sights, so you can afford to eat something delicious.

There was recently a brand new diet hailed as a miracle doing the rounds of morning television. It is suggested that you enjoy a bit of everything, but not too much of anything…amazing…who would have thought?

Diet by all means, just don’t talk about it…it is boring.


This cartoon and an excellent article written by Deirdre Macken is in The Australian 29th November. (In the Review section, page 2, The Forum) The cartoon and article are hilarious and describe the current stupid food obsession perfectly.

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