Site icon Bagni di Lucca and Beyond

Buffalo Bill was here

Antico Caffe Greco has been around since 1760, making it one of the oldest caffes in Italy. Only Florian in Venice is older. It was named after its Greek owner and has been a popular haunt for artists and writers since the beginning. It is in Via Condotti, not far from the Spanish Steps.

Its visitors include Casanova, Goethe, Stendahl, Keats and Buffalo Bill and friends.

I usually stand at the bar in the front of the caffe to have my coffee. It is fun to stand and act like a local and the coffee is very good and reasonably priced. The counter opposite is full of delicious looking cakes, pastries, sandwiches and chocolates.

It costs quite a bit more to sit inside at one of the tables, but the setting is so lovely it is worth doing sometimes.

The waiters just glide around delivering delicious things like my pistachio and ricotta cake and cappuccino.

The restroom is also lovely, quite a treat in Rome. There is an attendant and you will be required to leave a small fee, but that too is worth it.

Don’t miss Caffe Greco if you go to Rome, whether you join the locals at the bar or enjoy a table where Buffalo Bill may have sat.

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