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Dinner and dancing

It seems that most Italians can dance, and do so at every opportunity…old people, not so old people, quite young people and children love to get on a dance floor and enjoy themselves…and I love to watch them.

It is especially lovely to watch couples who have been dancing together for years and move beautifully together…there should be more of it. The photos are a bit blurry, these people were really moving.


The actual reason for being in Filecchio, a lovely village not far from Bagni di Lucca, was not the dancing, but to enjoy some delicious stinco di maiale, roast pork shank.

What a good idea to dedicate an evening to roast pork shanks. There were a few extras, potato chips, polenta, pasta and beans, but the star of the evening was stinco di maiale…I know it is an unfortunate name, but it tastes great.


I went with Heather from Sapori-e-Saperi…she knows all the best places. Now I just need some dancing lessons.

Filecchio holds several dinners and sagras over the summer. Call 3427599862 for information.

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