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Heavenly music with the angels

Yesterday I went to the launch of the 2013 season of the Concerti degli Angeli Custodi, the wonderful concerts organised by Mattia Campetti. This charming and enterprising young man has been able to collect an amazing team of talented musicians to perform in the incredibly beautiful Oratorio degli Angeli Custodi in Lucca.

Yesterday’s event was a press launch, so there were some brief speeches by Mattia and some very important people.

Best of all, we were given a sample of what to expect when Michelle sang Ave Maria for us. I’m sorry I don’t have sound for you.

…and we were surrounded by angels.

Mattia introduced us to one of his most important sponsors. The nearby baker makes the best foccaccia ever and brought some to share with us.

If you are anywhere near Lucca between May and September you really do have to find your way to the Oratorio degli Angeli Custodi. If what you hear doesn’t make your spine tingle I will want to know why.

Click here to see one of the concerts last year.

The concerts begin at 9.00pm in Via Angeli degli Custodi, Lucca, on the following dates. Each concert costs only 12 euro, so you have no excuse not to attend all of them.

5 May….Viva Verdi.
Giancarlo Monsalve, tenore. Simone Nicoletta, clarinetto. Federico Nicoletta, pianoforte.

11 May…Da Lucca a Berlino.
Michelle Buscemi, soprano. Mattia Campetti, baritono. Peter Paul, baritono. Gerd Rosinky, pianoforte.

19 May…Il Trillo del Diavolo.
Giulia Buccarella, violino. Giuseppe Campagnola, pianoforte.

30 May…Clara Schumann cello ensemble.
Lucio Labella Danzi, concertatore e solista. Valentina Corradetti, soprano.

8 June…Recital per pianoforte.
Fabio Menchetti, pianoforte.

9 June…La Nascita del Teatro.
Allievi della classe di canto del Marco Mustaro Jonathan Brandani, clavicembalo.

15 June…Trio Einstein.
Erica Mazzacua, violino. Paolo Andriotti, violoncello. Fabio Menchetti, pianoforte.

14 July…Vive la France!
Esther Todaro, flauto. Maria Todaro, pianoforte.

19 July…Sacro inCanto
Ensemble Soavi Accenti. Jonathan Brandini, direttore.

21 August…Quadri da Un’Esposizione.
Carlos Goiechea, pianoforte.

23 August…Trilogia Mozart-Da Ponte.
Solisti di Lucca OPERA festival. Jonathan Bradini, pianoforte.

21 September…Haydn – Concerti per Pianoforte.
Cristina Papini, violino I. Davide Quinci, violino II. Francesco Scarpetti, viola. Lorenzo Phelan, violoncello. Fabio Fabbellini, contrabbasso. Jacopo Phelan, pianoforte.

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