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The road to Vergemoli – and our stone house

The village of Vergemoli is about 8 kilometres from the main road that goes between Borgo a Mozzano and Castelnuovo. You leave the road at Gallicano and drive the very winding road up the mountain to the village. Once you get used to it the drive is incredibly scenic.

the old aquaduct at Gallicano

The road is a two way road, but it is very narrow in parts, starting at the aquaduct where it is one car at a time.

the road has been carved through the rock

The road winds its way up the mountain with sharp hairpin turns.

a long and winding road

Rosi got a better shot

another one from Rosi’s camera

Bike riders love it. We often hear them roaring up or down, leaning into the corners.

lots of fun on a motorcycle

On the left hand side of the photo above you can see the extra bit on the side of the road where you have to go if you meet another car.

I’ll stick to the car – I want to live

We have yet to encounter the bus that runs between Vergemoli and Gallicano, or one of the trucks delivering materials to our house. That should be interesting.

getting caught behind this could be a bit tiresome

If you can drag your eyes from the road, if you are not driving that is, the views all around are spectacular.

the mountains around Vergemoli

The road to our house from the village involves a hairpin turn when you leave the piazza. I think the drivers of the trucks taking stuff to our site deserve a medal.

a rather large truck leaving the piazza

coming to the turn

around he goes

there is very little room to spare

he made it

a load of bricks is on its way to the house

We can only just get the toyota around this corner in one movement. Those drivers are amazing.

Work continues at the house, but it is plumbing and electical – not really all that photogenic. I can’t wait to get back there to see the progress.

If you haven’t seen our house grow, look in the New house in Vergemoli category for the whole story.

We got this for the post called Beautiful Helsinki – take a look

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