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Wetting the roof in Vergemoli

In Australia when the roof of a house goes on there is a celebration to “wet the roof” to ensure that it doesn’t leak. This always involves the drinking of beer. I wasn’t there for the ceremony in Vergemoli, but Rosi took some photos for me.

raising the Italian flag on the roof

It would appear that the Italian flag is hoisted into place on the roof. What a good idea!

Adriano shows the builders the photos

A couple of the builders don’t have a computer and they were unable to see the photos I took of them shirtless, so I printed some for them and sent them over.

I think they like them

having a closer look

These builders are now finished and the next group will move in, those building the internal walls, the plumber and the electrician.

discussions by the chimney

time to start work on the inside

the flag is flying

After the flag raising, it was time to go, so the truck was loaded and it was off to the bar in the village.

off to the bar

It would appear that Italian builders are not so different from Australians.

having a beer

Thank goodness they all had a beer, I would hate the roof to leak.

Thank you to Leonardo and the rest of the team – Giovanni, Gigi, Mohamed, Armando and the others whose names I don’t know. You have all done a great job. I will see you at the party to celebrate the completion of the house.

For those who have not been following the building of the house, look in the category New house in Vergemoli to see it grow from a pile of rocks to a fabulous 3 level stone house.

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