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The hills are white with acacia blossom

The trees have blossomed a bit later this year, but now the hills around us are covered with flowering acacia. I know it is a bit of a weed and it makes me sneeze, but it looks beautiful and in the late afternoon the valley smells like delicious honey. I can put up with a bit of sneezing for this.

looking up to Granaiola and the acacia

covered in flowers

The trees are nothing much to look at, but the flowers are lovely.

a fairly basic tree

acacia blossom

they look a bit like white wisteria

white flowers everywhere

At L’Osteria della Piazzetta, one of our favourite nearby restaurants, we even had a delicious pastry filled with acacia blossoms as a primo piatto the other night for dinner. That really is using seasonal, local produce.

blossoms fall on the road like snow

The blossoms are falling like snow and cover everything. The river is speckled with white, the roads have fallen flowers all over them and white fluff floats in the air. The bees have a wonderful time and later we get the most delicate honey. A couple of weeks of itchy eyes and sneezing is a small price to pay.


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