Site icon Bagni di Lucca and Beyond

Art and lunch in Pietrasanta

Pietrasanta is only an hour drive from our apartment in Bagni di Lucca. It is a beautiful and interesting town that I like to visit often. On a recent visit I found the new art installations on display in the stunning piazza.


This older, permanent sculpture, is actually in the middle of the car park.

On a more recent visit the sky was blue and the installations took on a different note.


We tried a new (for us) restaurant for lunch…Ristorante la Vineria.  It was quite busy, the photos were taken on our way out. The food and service were excellent.

Both primi piatti were great.

Secondi were also delicious.

Dolce held up their end of the bargain.

Now I am torn…I have more decisions to make when next I visit Pietrasanta.

Dotted around town are small art pieces. It is fun to look for them.

The shopping, gallery and restaurant offering in Pietrasanta has grown over the years I have been visiting. It is great to see a thriving town. Covid has been hard on the town this year, but it seems to be holding it own. I hope so, I love it.

Ristorante la Vineria

Via Barsanti 22

Ph…0584 70793

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