Site icon Bagni di Lucca and Beyond

A new lockdown project

Lockdown continues and I am trying to stay motivated. I have to admit that I sat for quite some time on the swing chair today. It was deliciously warm and sunny and the view is marvellous.

The first red rose has appeared.

The garden on the terrace below the house is coming along.

The trees around Casa Debbio are becoming greener every day.

Peonies and verbena are growing.

Pear trees have blossoms.

The quince tree has tiny blossoms.

This tree doesn’t look much yet, but in a week or so it will be spectacular. (I hope)

The old cherry tree is starting to bloom.

If you look behind the cherry tree you will see my straw bed.

This is how it looked last year.


This year I am going to turn it into a garden bed. I doubt that I would be able to find new straw this year to redo the bed. I cleaned it up. Grass was beginning to grow out of the straw.

I had some soil delivered from a local nursery and tomorrow I will sow some flower seeds and see what happens. I have some seeds a friend gave me last autumn and I have found a few packets of seeds at the supermarket. There will be progress reports.

My pastry this morning was pear and ricotta.

I also made banana bread, which I shared with Filippo.

The lockdown in Italy is slowly having some effect. The numbers of people contacting the virus are dropping, but the lockdown will continue until at least after Easter.

Even in Vergemoli, a tiny mountain village with fewer than 100 people police patrol regularly to make sure people are not wandering outside their homes. I don’t go down to the village often. I drop my rubbish in the community bins once a week on the way to the supermarket and I went down today to collect my plants.

I am very lucky to have my garden to walk and work in.

This lovely rainbow appeared the other day.


Stay well and stay at home.

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