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Lunch with a kookaburra

It was a gorgeous winter day yesterday so we headed for the beautiful hinterland behind the Gold Coast. We went to Springbrook, arriving at lunch time.

We settled in to our outdoor table and we soon had a visitor in the form of a large kookaburra. He was quite comfortable with humans and sat close.

I was busy taking photos of him (or her) when he quickly swooped in and took of with a piece of my lunch. It seems while I was watching him he had an eye on my pie.

After lunch we went on to Purlingbrook falls, a place I have visited several times over the years. We are having a drought in parts of Australia and I had not realised how dry the country is close to home. Our gorgeous sunny days have a downside.

The rainforest is usually lush and green, but right now it is looking dry. The water holes are low and there was little water falling over the edge.

It is still beautiful, but not as I have seen it in the past.

Below are some photos taken more than 60 years ago in the same place. My brother and I were playing near the water when my brother’s boat disappeared over the edge.

I hope we get some rain soon. It is sad to see the bush so dry and our farmers are desperate for some good rainfall.

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