Site icon Bagni di Lucca and Beyond

On the edge

Our visit to Western Australia took us to the far south, to Albany. Near the town, the edge of Australia meets the fierce Southern Ocean which stretches south to Antarctica. On the summer day we were there the wind was howling all the way from the frozen continent.

It was cold and the air was thick with sea spray. It must have been tough for the early sailors who worked along this coast. I think that wind is a common occurance.

We went to see The Gap, a spectacular channel in the 40 metre granite cliffs. The clever locals have built a viewing platform that juts 10 metres over the edge to give a birds’ eye view of the giant waves below.

The construction is suitably sturdy and much safer that scrambling over rocks to see the action.

Standing on the edge requires a little bit of fortitude. The wind howls and the sea below would pound you to pieces if you fell in.

Near The Gap is Natural Bridge, a granite bridge in the rocks. The tide was low the day we were there, but in bigger seas the waves splash in magnificent fashion through the hole in the rocks.

The beautiful coast looks inviting, but I doubt that swimming  there would be a good idea.

Even in this rugged, windswept environment things grow. Pretty wildflowers find a way to thrive between the rocks.


It is easy to see which way the prevailing wind blows.

…another magnificent part of Australia.



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