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On my balcony

In Brisbane we live in an apartment close to the city. We bought it because it has a fairly large courtyard, a lovely bonus in sub tropical Queensland.

Because we are away for months at a time, we keep the garden fairly basic, so that it is easy for a friend to duck in and water the plants.

We have mixed success with geraniums and right now they are not looking happy,  but there are a couple of other things that are thriving. There is a huge tree just outside our courtyard that gives us lots of lovely shade. It drops leaves and makes a mess, but that is OK.

Right now it is covered with spiky seed pods. They will eventually turn brown and fall to the ground.

We brought cuttings from 2 frangipani trees with us from our old house and they have been in pots for 15 years and seem to be thriving. The white one has flowers, but the pink one is on a break.

We have a different type of frangipani, but it has not yet produced flowers.

These delicate white flowers appear from time to time.

Bromiliads seem to like our place.

Spathiphylums grow well and flower occasionally.

Agave are just about impossible to kill and keep having babies.

Best of all, another pineapple is growing. It is easy to see they are from the bromiliad family. It is tiny now, about the size of an apricot. The fruit grows very slowly and even when it is ready to eat it is only the size of an apple, but I love it when one turns up.

We have a little terracotta girl who has been with us for 15 years, but she has hardly aged.

Recently we had a visit from 2 baby kookaburras. One flew off quickly,  but the other stayed around long enough for me to fetch my camera and take his photo. I think it is great that we have these birds close to the city. PS. I have been reliably informed that the bird is a butcher bird. He is lovely anyway.

My courtyard is hardly a match for the garden at Casa Debbio, but it very nice to be surrounded by greenery. I will be enjoying my sub tropical garden for just 5 more weeks before I head off to the northern hemisphere for some winter weather.

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