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Furry visitors to Casa Debbio

We have a herd of mufloni living near Casa Debbio. I hear them at night and they leave little messages on the driveway for me. I sometimes see them on our terraces in the early morning, but as soon as they see me they run away.

This morning I awoke to this wonderful misty view.

When I looked down at the terraces below the house I saw the mufloni looking back at me.

They are a type of wild goat. The males have quite impressive horns. This little group must have decided that I was far enough away not to bother them. They slowly wandered away on their quest for breakfast.

In spring I will see their cute babies. It is wonderful to be able to see wildlife so close to the house. I may not feel that way if the porcupines dig up my daffodils.

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