Site icon Bagni di Lucca and Beyond

Getting things done in Venice

There are no cars in Venice. The only forms of transport on the islands are boats, and push along carts and of course walking. Venetians have become very inventive in carrying out daily tasks.

Dragging a load across a flooded St Mark’s Square.

A funeral boat heading for the cemetery.

Mobile scaffolding.

Removing dirt and rubbish on a renovation site.

It can’t be easy to manouvre things from a moving boat.

A delivery barge on the Grand Canal

Fabio and his porter’s trolley.

I don’t know what this one was doing.

DHL on water.

If you think about how much we rely on cars and trucks to organize our lives, you must realize how difficult it would be to do without these things. The lane ways in Venice are very narrow and there are bridges crossing canals every few metres. Keep this in mind when you pack your bags for a visit to Venice.
Perhaps I should have got Fabio’s number.

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