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A house for sale in the mountains

A friend of mine is looking for a house to buy in the mountains, so on a damp Sunday we set out to investigate an old farmhouse we had heard was for sale. The day became more damp the higher we went into the mountains and just as we arrived at the site, it began to snow lightly.

the owners showing us the house

part of the old farmhouse

the key to the door

I’m not going to show you inside, because it was just awful. I can’t imagine that anyone would be much interested, especially since it turned out that only a couple of rooms were for sale. The rest of the house belongs to someone else.

The day wasn’t a total loss. The area was beautiful with the snow falling gently around us. We even saw a herd of deer scampering through the trees.

a great setting

snowdrops pushing through

I have no idea what this plant is

the flowers

When they told us the asking price for 2 rooms in a decrepit farmhouse, I was reminded of the Australian movie The Castle.  “Tell’em they’re dreamin” was my response.

As we drove off the snow got heavier and when  we climbed higher into the mountains we were surrounded by a winter wonderland – not a wasted afternoon at all.


snow on the trees

a snow topped shrine

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