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Italian telivision

We have just had to pay an annual fee for the privilege of watching Italian television. I don’t watch Italian TV, but we have a television set so we have to pay.

In a country of such beauty and style it is shameful that the viewing public is served cheap and nasty trash.  Toilet humour, corny shows featuring tits and bums and 30 year old American cop shows make up the usual fare.  There are endless talk shows featuring old, ugly male hosts with a bevvy of half naked girls fawning all over them.  What is even more shameful is that the public seems to like these programs.  Televisions are on with the volume turned up in many restaurants, making it diffucult to avoid the rubbish.

I once commented on the awfulness of a show where one host played the piano (badly), while another sang (badly) and a scantily clad girl danced a stuffed toy around the top of the piano.  The set was supposed to be a living room where guests sat around small tables, supposedly engrossed in the antics.  Good grief!!!!  My criticisms  were howled down, and I was told it was a wonderful show.

It has been suggested that I watch TV in Italy to help me learn the language.  I would rather stick pins in my eyes.

I believe Berlusconi has quite a lot to do with what is seen on Italian TV.  This would be a clue as to the quality of the programs.  Until the viewing public demands something better, or gets rid of Silvio,  this is what they will continue to get.  In the meantime, my DVD collection grows and grows.

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