Posted by: Debra Kolkka | March 13, 2018

Our beautiful mountains

The inclement weather has not kept me totally housebound. Last week I went with friends into the mountains beyond Bagni di Lucca.

We drove past Montefegatesi, the highest of the villages and through an enchanting chestnut forest.



We came upon a herd of goats on their way home.


My friends stopped to collect kindling from a friend’s farm for their fire.

Rina and Alfredo

As we went higher we could see snow.



A bit higher and we were driving through it.




There were mountain streams, some still running and some frozen solid.

Mountain stream





We dropped into Casentina Rifugio to get warm by the fire. Their coffee and cake is excellent.


Spring will be here soon, we saw signs.

Winter plants


Despite the rain, I love winter in the mountains. I find it incredibly beautiful and completely different from my Australian home.



  1. Part of your last comment would have to be the understatement of the decade! 🙂

    • Sometimes when I am driving up the mountain to Casa Debbio I wonder to myself how somebody who grew up by the beach on the Gold Coast ended up in the Tuscan mountains. I’m glad I did.

  2. Magic! Loved the frozen streams!

    • I love winter here, even though this constant rain can be annoying.

  3. Like the comment above, the first word that comes to my mind is magical! Such a different Italy than what first comes to mind.

    • It is not what most people expect of Tuscany.

  4. Have you been up there before Deb….looks much higher than Montefegatesi?

    • I have been up in that area before, but I have been via a different road.

  5. It is Nature’s Wonderland!

    • I love visiting this area.

  6. 😍😍😍😍

  7. It does look quite fresh. I love that stone building in the top few photos. And what about those goats? would they milk then to make cheese or sell them for their meat? Do you know? Louise

    • The goats belong to friends of my friends in the photo. The goats and some sheep are milked to make cheese. I particularly like their ricotta made from sheep’s milk. I love that these farming activities are still happening in the area. It is difficult to see young people becoming involved so I wonder how long it will continue.

      • Yes it will be interesting but I have youth unemployment is really bad in Italy. There was a program (cooking?) on SBS recently where young people in Italy had gone back to the villages and were starting boutique traditional businesses around food.

  8. Beautiful indeed!

    • Each season has its own delights.

  9. I love the old trees.

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