Posted by: Debra Kolkka | April 5, 2014

My new peonies

I went to Verde Mura in Lucca today. It is an annual garden show on the wall of Lucca. You see more on the event here.

I was on the hunt for my favourite flowers, peonies, for Casa Debbio…look what I found.






I bought the pink one (last photo) and a lilac one to be planted in the garden in October when the season is over. I also bought 6 bulbs (they are not really bulbs) to plant now.

I didn’t restrict myself to peonies. I found a Japanese maple,  clematis to go with the one that has sprouted this year, some aquilegias to join the others, lily of the valley, violets, hellebores and some things I have never heard of.




…and a bird.


Here is my haul ready to be taken back to the car.


They will be taken to Casa Debbio tomorrow and I will show you the results of my plantings soon.


  1. Your peonies are beautiful,the colors are so vibrant and attractive.

    • I think peonies are the most beautiful flowers. I hope they do well at Casa Debbio.

  2. The colours are so beautiful….they will look lovely in the garden along with the bird.

    • If the peonies do well I am going to have lots of them at Casa Debbio. I am also planning rhododendrons. They grow wild under the hazelnut trees, so some cultivated ones should be OK.

  3. I think peonies are just about my favorite flowers in the world. They remind me of my grandmother who had a backyard full of bright pink ones.

    • They are my favourite flowers too. They are exquisite…the perfect flower.

  4. So gorgeous! I love peonies and have some here in Minneapolis too. But given our cold climate they don’t bloom until mid May. They are my favorites!

    • They grow by the side of the road near here and are in gorgeous bloom right now.

  5. Your peonies are gorgeous! But I must say that the lily of the valley or “muguet” is my favourite. Seeing it takes me back to Paris and the 1st of May celebrations. The custom to wear them on that day was established by King Charles IX who gave those flowers to the ladies of his court to wish them good luck and to celebrate the real start of the spring season (March and April are generally too cold and rainy in most of Europe).

    • I hope my plants all grow well. The soil is pretty good at Casa Debbio, it used to be a farm.

  6. Beautiful tree peony and cute, fragrant lily-of-the-valley. Love spring flowers!

    • Spring is just gorgeous in Bagni di Lucca. Things turn green while you watch.

      • It is a magical season! 🙂

  7. Lucky, lucky you! I hope to get some this year. Stunning! ~amy

    • I can’t wait to have a garden full of peonies.

      • I can’t wait to see your photographs of them & die of envy! ~amy

  8. Your garden is going to be a real feast for the eyes, Debra. Those peonies are so gorgeous.

    • I should see a real difference in the garden this year. Last year was the first year and it rained for months and we didn’t get a lot done. I am hoping for better weather this year, so far so good.

  9. Stunning peonies! Particularly love the second last photo. Your garden is going to look amazing! xx

    • Aren’t they gorgeous? They grow well in Vergemoli so I hope they do well at Casa Debbio.

  10. What an adventure it will be at Casa Debbio next spring, waiting for all these new goodies to reappear! How exciting. (I’m not surprised you bought the bird – I could tell you were very excited by this stall … 🙂 )

    • I loved that stall when I first saw it years ago and now I have a place to put one of the birds. Our garden is going to be wonderful, it will probably be a few years before it is finished, if ever.

  11. Peonies are just gorgeous! What fun to be elbow deep into Spring planting with flowers!

    • I watch every day to see things grow…I love it.

  12. “The wealth of globed peonies” as Keats said – there are some fabulous wild peonies if you walk up from Campagnana near Corfino – I took lots of picks of them but can’t find them now!

    • I would love to see peonies growing wild.

  13. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the garden at Casa Debbio.
    It must be really satisfying to renovate the house and then get to the stage where you’re on the garden. Cherry on top of the cake so to speak!

  14. How beautiful! Your photos are magnificent!

  15. The blooms look great, so spring is definitely upon you! After our abnormal winter, everything is a bit behind schedule, … it activity is starting to appear.

  16. There’s nothing quite so thrilling as having lovely flowers in your own garden. I love Japanese maples – your garden is going to be such a lovely place.

  17. Can’t wait to start planting! Lovely!

  18. I remember seeing and admiring a field of wild peonies one Spring in Ft Wayne, USA, years ago – a truly stunning display. They’ve stayed in my mind ever since. Casa Debbio will yield you lots of joy when your flowers are planted. Along with your beautiful stone home, the garden will be a little heaven on earth.

  19. Beautiful flowers. And I adore that bird!!! 😉

  20. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

  21. WOW! Gorgeous shot! 🙂

  22. Aw, I meant to say shots! With an “s”. The bird made me grin! 🙂

    • I am waiting to find just the right place for him.

    • The bird will be very happy at Casa Debbio I am sure.

  23. Your gardens are going to be lovely with all your new additions. 🙂

    • It is a work in progress, but I can really see things happening this year, next year will be even better.

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